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OCBC Tamil Worship

The idea of our very being here on

this planet is to Worship God

OCBC Tamil Worship 


Ps 150:6 - Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.


You and I are made, created, designed, fashioned, orchestrated, instrumented to praise and worship HIM. The idea of our very being here on this planet is to Worship God. Worship, meaning “worthiness” / “worth-ship”, for He alone is worthy to be praised. We exercise it whenever and wherever we meet.


Ps 146:1-2 - Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! I will praise the Lord as long as I live...


Our OCBC Tamil worship team is used by our God exceptionally and everyone who participate enjoy and feel the presence of God in a mighty way. We worship our Saviour in Spirit & Truth as its said in John 4:24. We are dedicated, devoted and work together in unison. There’s nothing like worshipping Him in our own language in a foreign land. We are so privileged and thankful to God that He has given us a place to sing freely. We sing all songs from Hymns to modern day worship as long as it edifies and sanctifies the church and brings glory to our Lord. We often combine with the English & Chinese congregation on special occasions and it’s an amazing atmosphere to worship HIM along with different ethnicities.


Let me introduce our team:

Ebenezar Stanley  : Percussion/Drums


Godson Johnson  : Keyboards/Vocals


Nishal Thomas  : Guitar/Vocals


Sushil Joseph  : Guitar/Vocals


Solomon Jones: Keyboard/ Bass/ Drums/ Guitar/Dholak/ Vocals


Charles : Dholak/Percussion


Backing Vocals (Women): Mrs. Vathana, Mrs. Deborah, Mrs. Shiny and Mrs. Anita


Backing Vocals (Men): Mr. Alfred, Mr. Arun, Mr. Balaji, and Mr. Jarred


We use our God gifted talents for Him & Him alone. We are still learning day by day and our aim is to offer our best sacrifice of praise and worship to our Lord God.


Lord, we thank you for handpicking us and using us as your instruments for your glory.


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