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Jesus Christ is my Saviour

Firstly id like to thank god for giving me this opportunity to share this testimony. Over this past year my relationship with god has only gotten stronger. As someone who's had to juggle two religions at an early age I found eventually that Jesus Christ is my saviour.

The different events and opportunities we've had such as leading the English service and even having our own youth service which has grown bigger and better since its began this year. The multiple pastors that pastor Das has invited to the church have also had strong and meaningful messages. when I began to pay attention I also found that they can relate to my daily life and how I can improve myself and walk with the lord. But as someone who's fairly new to being a christian I had many questions. "Who is god", " how do we know he's real", "how do we know the bible isn't made up", " when did the dinosaurs exist". This was not to offend anyone but genuine questions I had the urge to know.

But the guiding hands of people like pastor Das and pastor Bob, Nishal Anna, Venki uncle, David uncle and sudha aunty and many more, all led me to an answer I was happy and content with. Keerthana had also started a daily message thing amongst the youth where we would find a verse and write about it and send it to everyone, just a paragraph a day. Now I dont have great knowledge when it comes to the bible, I'm still fairly new so I would google things like "cool and interesting bible verses" or find something I want to talk about and find a verse for it. But through this I found many new and interesting verses which connected to me in many ways. For example a verse I really liked was proverbs 18:13 "to answer before listening - that is folly and shame", each of these words connected to me and built my faith. Over this year my love for the lord has only gotten bigger and it will continue to grow as I get older. Now to conclude this I'll leave you all with another verse I found. “So that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.” Acts 17:27.

Thank you - Sachin

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